My Projects

Counter app


My first build! I saw this project on youtuube but wanted to see if I could build it myself to practice DOM manipulation

Calculator app

Calculator app

I used this project to further practice DOM manipulation as a well as more complex JS logic, which I created myself

Encryption app

Encryption app

I got the idea for this project from a CodeWars puzzle. This was to help me practice more complex JS logic

Crime API app

API experiment

I wanted to practice building using APIs both to develop my wexperience with them as well as to practice working with JSON

Web3 Counter app

Web3 Counter

This is my first Solidity contract, live on Sepolia testnet. This helped me gain experience with Solidity and wallet integrations. This app requires a metamask wallet and testnet Eth. Please message me if you want some Sepolia Eth to try it out!

Platform game

mYsteRIouS FoResT

Created for my Founders and Coders application, I was able to develop some experience with HTML5 Canvas, and significant experience with debugging code :S